Module Overview

List of practice bases


List of enterprises, institutions and organizations recommended as basic for practical training

AGROCOMPANY INBERRY, LTD later on «Enterprise»


LLC “Druzhba – Nova”

A standard contract concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on April 13, 2023

LLC «Raiz Pivnich»

A standard contract №3984 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on May 5, 2023


A standard contract №1 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on March 17, 2023

LLC “Vorozhbalatinvest”

A standard contract №4041 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on May 12, 2024

Institute of Agriculture  of the North-East NAAS of Ukraine

A standard contract №65 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on June 9, 2023

LLC «Ahro-zhyttia»

A standard contract №2024 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on June 13, 2023

LLC «Veleten»

A standard contract №4012 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on April 26, 2023

LLC «Hlukhiv Ahroinvest»

A standard contract №2044 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on March 15, 2023

LLC «Ahrofirma Kozatska»

A standard contract №2027 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on March 17, 2023

LLC «Khlibodar»

A standard contract №3924 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on May 10, 2024

AE «Podillia – Invest»

A standard contract № 08/06-23 concluded between the enterprise and SNAU on June 8, 2023

Practice Agreements

Agreement 1

Agreement 2

Guidelines for practice

Sequentially program of scientific and production practice and methodological guidelines for its implementation.

Examples of some documents

Example of practice agreement

Example of cooperation agreement

Safety instructions

Instruction No. 1 On life safety for participants of the ducational process while vacation.

INSTRUCTION № 2. On the safety of students’ life during work activities on and off campus

Instructions for participants of the educational process during the notification of the signal

“Air raid alert”

EP Induction Program