Scientific and methodological work of the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use of Sumy National Agrarian University is a purposeful activity in providing scientific and pedagogical and methodological training of professors in order to increase the efficiency of their educational activities. It contributes to the personal development of the teacher, his pedagogical skills in teaching the discipline, as well as conducting educational work with students.

The system of actions and activities of the scientific and methodological council of the faculty is aimed at increasing the level of professional and pedagogical competence of each teacher, the development of his creative personality, increasing the innovative potential of the scientific and pedagogical team and the faculty as a whole.

Particularly important factor in scientific and methodological work is the setting of goals and objectives, a methodological problem, which focuses not on the process as such, but on the end results, a comprehensive approach to solving problems.

The goal is the ideal image, the model of the desired future result of activity, – the growth of professional competence, professional skill of teachers.

The main tasks of the scientific and methodological work of the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use:

– development of the model of the specialist of the XXI century and formation of requirements concerning the level of his professional knowledge, ability to self-study, adaptation to activity in market conditions and self-development;

– Creation of scientific and methodological complexes of specialties and educational complexes of disciplines on the basis of advanced pedagogical technologies and the corresponding educational and laboratory base;

– ensuring the conditions of compliance with the requirements of the state license, educational standards;

– determination of content and forms of educational activity at different stages of training of specialists and their certification;

– studying the content and nature of graduates’ work in order to make changes and additions to the content of programs and organization of the educational process;

– development of principles and forms of rating system, criteria for assessment of knowledge, tests for determining the level of professional knowledge, skills and skills;

– development of new systems of information support of the educational process.

Control components are the main means of organizing and managing the quality of training. This is greatly facilitated by the introduction of unit training and knowledge rating. Control measures include current and final control. Current control is carried out during practical, laboratory and seminar classes and is aimed at checking the student’s level of readiness for specific work. The form of current control is determined by the relevant department. In addition, according to the requirements of the credit-module system of study, which is introduced at the university, after studying the material of each content module, the mandatory control of its assimilation follows.

Final control is conducted to evaluate the learning outcomes at a particular educational level or at some of its completed stages. The final control is carried out in the form of an exam or credit in a specific academic discipline in accordance with the approved “Regulations on examinations and tests at the Sumy National Agrarian University”.

Training of specialists in the specialties for which the training at the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use is carried out according to the curricula of preparation of Bachelor’s, Master’s, approved by the rector of Sumy National Agrarian University, agreed with the Educational and Methodical Center of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine , Ministry of Education and Science, by list of subjects, number of hours and forms of attestation of quality of knowledge of students of educational and professional programs.

In order to train highly qualified specialists, the scientific and methodological councils of the Faculty are working on the problem of qualitative methodological provision of independent work of students, classroom, current and final control, on the introduction of innovative technologies and teaching methods in the educational process, professional development of pedagogical staff.

The teaching and methodological activity of the faculty is guided by the methodical council, whose work is aimed at improving the pedagogical culture and skill of the teachers. The methodological council includes experienced teachers.

The students of the faculty participate in competitions of scientific works and excellent students of studies and nominal fellows.

Much attention is paid by the teaching staff to the formation of the contingent of students of the magistracy. To this end, the faculty has created a system of attracting the most gifted undergraduate graduates who were engaged during their studies in student research circles. The organizer of this work is the Dean and heads of departments.

The faculty staff of the faculty make great efforts for further development of young personality, formation of highly qualified specialists with higher education, able to work in the field of agriculture and to improve their professional level during their lives, to protect and promote the values ​​of national culture and civil society, to develop and strengthen a sovereign, independent Ukrainian state.

To this end, the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use:

  1. The educational process is organized according to the factors that determine the quality of agronomic and natural education. The factors that determine the quality of agronomic and natural education of bachelors, masters – the quality of educational purpose; quality of educational standards and standards; quality of educational programs; quality of personnel potential; quality of knowledge and skills of students – comprehensive preparation for their studies in the magistracy; the quality of the educational process; the quality of the achievement control system; quality of research work; quality of management structure.
  2. The quality and efficiency of students’ individual work are significantly improved. For this:

– students’ attention is focused on organizational and methodological support of individual work, variety of its forms and types;

– improving the quality management system of individual work, which provides planning, organization, motivation and control mechanism:

– optimization of the schedule of the educational process and the schedule of classes, the opportunities of the existing educational base are effectively used;

– structural and logical schemes of the program of training of specialists are developed.

  1. Increasing student research work carried out in student circles, directly at the production (at the branches of departments) and during technological practices.
  2. The teaching staff on the introduction of new educational and information technologies, in particular, credit-modular system of education, computer testing, methods of intensifying the acquisition of knowledge.
  3. Measures are being taken to implement the state strategy of teaching students, faculty and staff of the Faculty on the issues of life safety and human activity, occupational safety, health, fire safety, environmental protection, strictly adhere to Art. 20 Laws of Ukraine “On Occupational Safety”.
  4. The attention of administrative and management staff and teachers is focused on strengthening the educational work. Each lecture, practical or seminar classes have an educational orientation, promote the assimilation of universal norms of morality, foster a sense of patriotism, civic and national dignity, encourage students to actively counter the manifestations of immorality, offenses, spiritless activity.
  5. The openness and transparency of the functioning of the education system shall be ensured, and explanatory work shall be carried out among pedagogical workers, students, parents with the involvement of highly qualified specialists-manufacturers of processing enterprises, regarding the issues of innovative technologies.
  6. Work with gifted and talented student youth is organized. For this purpose:

– students’ research is deepened;

– profound study of individual subjects is organized;

– An annual faculty week is introduced.

  1. Work on professional and practical training of students is being strengthened, professional competence of graduates of the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Management is improved, creative contacts with organizations and enterprises are being established for the purpose of passing all kinds of practice, future employment and creation of branches of departments.
  2. The Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use is actively working on the problem of graduates’ employment, providing them with the first job, strengthening links with employment services, agricultural enterprises of different ownership, state institutions.
  3. The work of the teaching staff is directed towards compliance with the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “About Higher Education”, the National Doctrine of Development of Education of Ukraine, and the state program “Education of Ukraine of the 21st Century”. In connection with Ukraine’s accession to a single European educational space, the work of the scientific and pedagogical team is directed to the implementation of the educational principles of the Bologna Convention.

The educational concept of the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use consists in deepening, expanding and updating the professional knowledge, skills and agrarian specialists, as well as the opportunity to get a complete higher education of the specified specialty on the basis of previously acquired educational degree and practical experience, the formation of new specialists and entrepreneurs institutions and organizations of different forms of ownership, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical employees of higher educational establishments of I-IV levels of accreditation.