Students of specialty “Ecology” annually participate in the field research. Geobotanical research of the pine terrace of Syrovatka River within the scientific theme of the department on the identification and preservation of natural forest biogeocenoses, which are the centers of rare plant species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine is not an exception. The issue of forest degradation and their gradual destruction is one of the biggest environmental problems in the country.
On September 30, third- and fourth-year students Yuliya Klymenko, Snizhana Zakhozha, Dmytro Dakhno, Govenko Yaroslava together with teachers of the Department of Ecology and Botany, Ph.D., prof. Onoprienko V.P., Tikhonova O.M. conducted biogeocenotic studies of forests of natural origin within the study area. The populations of Iris pineticola Klok., listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and Crataegus ucrainika Pojark., listed in the list of rare plant species of Sumy region were studied. In addition, population densities and the success of natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris L. in deforestation were assessed.
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