The educational and scientific laboratory of Ecological Agriculture and Environmental Use functions for the purpose of carrying out laboratory, educational and scientific researches for the purpose of development, improvement, approbation of new methods of quality control and safety of organic products, and also implementation of innovative, information activity and providing of scientific and consulting services on the assessment of the state of the components of the environment.

Laboratory research is carried out in the following areas:

The laboratory is a structural educational and scientific subdivision of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Nature Management.

The main tasks of the laboratory are:

The laboratory is located in the auditorium № 10 v. The teacher’s workplace is equipped with a demonstration table and a board, a device for the use of technical teaching aids, etc. The laboratory is equipped with visual aids, technical teaching aids, cabinets for storing instruments, utensils, tools and visual aids.

The laboratory operates on the squares and research and laboratory facilities of the university, has the appropriate material support. It promotes scientific seminars, scientific schools, scientific conferences, symposia and congresses, prepares necessary scientific and methodological material for the educational process in accordance with current and future areas of educational and scientific work of the university.

The laboratory is a base for conducting laboratory classes for higher education students in educational programs 101 “Ecology”, 201 “Agronomy”, 205 “Forestry”, 206 “Garden design” in the following disciplines:

International and SBT carried out in the laboratory:

The laboratory has modern devices and equipment:

Gas chromatograph GC 650 PG Instruments – allows you to assess the level of soil contamination by pesticide residues, pesticides.

Gas analyzer DOZOR-C-M-5 – allows you to monitor the accumulation in the air of such harmful substances as CO2, NH3 NO, NO2, SO2 and more.

LP – 80 – device for measuring photosynthetic active radiation and leaf surface index.

Laboratory of functional diagnostics “Aquadonis” – allows to carry out, both in field and in laboratory conditions, diagnostics of providing plants with all basic elements of mineral food.

Portable manual nitrogen sensor GREEN SEEKER (N – TESTER) – designed for rapid analysis of plant condition assessment, fertilizer calculation and crop forecasting.

Refractometer laboratory IRF-454 B2M – allows you to determine the sugar content of fruits, berries, as well as beverages (fresh fruit, whey) and sweets, including honey.

Nitrometer – a portable device for rapid analysis of nitrate content in products.

TA-LAB voltammetric analyzer is designed for highly sensitive measurements of toxic impurities in drinking, natural, wastewater, aqueous solutions of soil samples, food, food raw materials, biological objects and other materials.

SupNIR-2750 – infrared express analyzer of grain, oil, feed and raw materials.

Plant strees Kit – a portable plant stress analyzer.

The UPVA-5 double distiller is intended for production of especially pure water of analytical quality.

Thermostat TSO-1/80 SPU – is designed to obtain and maintain inside the working chamber a stable temperature required for bacteriological and serological tests.

Oxygen meter SensION + DO6 – a portable device for measuring dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature.

Water bath – a device for heating substances.

MICROmed microscope

Wile Soil soil penetrometer is a device designed to measure soil hardness.

Kjeldahl apparatus is a device designed to determine the mass fraction of protein.

The Soxhlet EV16 is a device for determining the mass fraction of oil (manual 6-seater device for fat extraction).

Address: 40021, Sumy, G. Kondratieva street, 160,
Sumy National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrotechnology and Nature Management.


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