Scientific work of the department of Plant protection named after AK Mishnev is conducted in the following areas:

In general, for the period of 2016-2020, teachers of the Department of Plant Protection named after A.K. Mishnev published 3 monographs, 14 textbooks, 5 scientific and practical recommendations, 280 scientific publications, 28 educational and methodical works. The research results have been published in more than 350 abstracts of reports at conferences.

The student research club “Plant Protection” works at the department. There are 7 meetings a year. It operates under the guidance of an associate professor, Ph.D. Demenko V.M. About 60 applicants of the first, second and third levels of higher education take an active part in the work of the research club

The results of the scientific research are reflected in the educational programs of the following educational components: “Plant in the experiment”, “Molecular aspects of the relationship between plants and their parasites”, “Peculiarities of species determination of phytophages dominating in the north-eastern Forest-Steppe”, “Population biology of phytopathogenic”, “Methodology and organization of writing  a dissertation”, “Useful entomofauna of agrocenoses and ways to increase its efficiency”, “Epiphytothiology”,” Agricultural entomology and phytopathology “, etc. Teachers are constantly update the educational programs of educational components taught in the specialty 202 “Plant Protection and Quarantine” in accordance with requirements of the scientific community and the wishes of applicants.