PhD (technical science), Associate Professor
Е-mail: olena.melnyk@snau.edu.ua
Scholar Google: https://clck.ru/JyEev;
ORCID: 0000-0001-5763-0431;
Scopus ID: 57188696499;
WoS Researcher ID: AAJ-5887-2020
Sumy State University, Bachelor of Ecology (with honor), 2005;
Sumy State University, Master of Ecology and environment protection, 2006;
Sumy State University, graduated post graduate courses in ecological safety, 2009.
Scientific degree:
- PhD (technical science) in speciality 21.06.01 "ecological safety" – 2011;
Thesis`s topic “Utilization of sewages of galvanic production and its neutralization”. It was defended on the Scientific Council at Sumy State University, 15.04.2011.
General information
She was born on December 12, 1984 in Hlukhiv, Sumy region. In 2001 she was enrolled in Sumy State University at the Engineering Faculty, which she graduated in 2006 with a master's degree in Ecology and environmental protection. From July 2006 to November 2006 she was working as a junior researcher at the Institute of Bast Crops of NAAS of Ukraine. In the period from November 2006 to November 2009 she was studying at the post graduate school at Sumy State University. Since 2007 she has been working as an assistant (part-time) at the Department of Ecology of Sumy State University. From 2011 to 2020 she was working at O. Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University in the positions: Associate Professor of Technological and Vocational Education, Head of the Department of Life Safety, Physical Education and Human Health, Head of the Educational and Methodical Department. Since February 2020 she has been working as a Senior Researcher, Head of the project sector of the Research Cooperation Office of Sumy National Agrarian University, Associate Professor of Ecology and Botany department of Sumy National Agrarian University (part-time). She is a trainer and an expert of National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.
Disciplines she teaches: «Basic ecology», «Technoecology», «Environmental impact assessment», «Waste management», «Social ecology», «Hydrology».
Her sphere of scientific interests includes: development of criteria of ecological safety, ecological policy of the European Union, protection of the hydrosphere, rational use of natural resources, waste management and sustainable development.
She has published over 50 papers, including patents for invention, manuals, articles in journals included in the science-computer databases Scopus, WoS etc.
Grants awarded:
2015 - 2018 scientific coordinator Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module «Implementing the Strategy for Environmental Safety: Integrating European Experience» (EU);
2016 – 2019 participation in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project «Enhanced Visibility on European Integration Teaching and Research» (EU);
2018-2019 participation in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project «EU-EaP Academy: Supporting Next Generation of Scholars in European Studies» (EU);
2018 - 2019 participation in the British Council Programme of Leadership Development in Ukrainian HEIs «The University as a center of public opinion» (UK);
2019 - 2020 participation in the project Innovative university and leadership «Strategy of Internationalization as a tool for HEIs promotion on the international educational and research area» (PL);
2020 participation in the project GIST Innivations in Ukraine «Ginkgo Biloba» (USA).
Advanced training (internship):
2015 Internship "Reforming higher education in the context of European integration", Ukraine;
2017, 2018, 2019 academic mobility (teaching, training), Turkey;
2018 Training in the frames of the Ukrainian-Czech Programme for Higher Education «Formation of a Network of Higher Education Quality Assurance Experts»
2019 Training for trainers "Ukrainian new accreditation system: development on the base of British practices" Ukraine / Great Britain;
2019 «Innovative university and leadership «Strategy of Internationalization as a tool for HEIs promotion on the international educational and research area», Poland.
- 2014 Certificate of the Sumy Regional State Administration for significant achievements in scientific, methodological and scientific work, a significant personal contribution to the training of specialists, organization and conducting of scientific work among students of the youth;
- 2018 Certificate of the International Association of Environmentalists of Universities for a significant contribution to the development of environmental activities and popularization of natural sciences.
- 2019 Certificate of Honor of the Sumy Regional Council for the high achievements in research work, high professionalism, a significant personal contribution to the training of highly skilled specialists.
Member of the board of NGO Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration, APREI;
Member of the board of NGO ECOTOP;
Member of the NGO European Safety Association;
Member of the NGO International Organization of University Ecologists.