PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Email: r.jaroschuk@snau.edu.ua , jaroschukr@ukr.net
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2591-5592
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=2F05-ZwAAAAJ&hl=uk
In 2007, he graduated from the State Higher Educational Institution ‘National Forestry University of Ukraine’ (Lviv) and received a full higher education in Forestry and qualified as a specialist in forestry. He was recommended for postgraduate study.
In 2008-2011, he studied at the postgraduate course of the National Forestry University of Ukraine (Department of Forest Crops and Forest Breeding).
In 2013, he defended his dissertation on ‘Forestry and ecological features of reproduction and growth of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco in forest crops of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine’ and received the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the speciality 06.03.01 - forest crops and phytomelioration.
In 2017-2018, he studied at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Environmental Management of Sumy National Agrarian University, specialising in Ecology.
Main subjects: Environmental protection, Technoecology, Environmental safety, Fundamentals of ecology and nature protection.
Research interests: Agroforestry; Forestry and ecological features of growing tree and shrub species in the conditions of the north eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine; Development of effective methods of harvesting, storing and sowing seeds of coniferous and deciduous plants. Selection of optimal methods of propagation of ornamental and forest tree and shrub species.
International projects
2024 Project “Socio-environmental importance of urban greenery from the point of view of the water cycle modified by global climate change - cooperation in teaching and research between MENDELU and the National Agricultural University in Sumy”. The aim of the project is to establish cooperation in education and research between the partner university in Sumy, Ukraine, and the Mendel University in Brno.
2023-2024 The project "Restoring recreative potential of damaged forests for human well-being in V4 and post-war Ukraine" is implemented jointly with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic) and Zvolenský Technical University (Slovakia) with the support of the International Visegrad Fund (IVF).
- Participant of the project jointly implemented by the UN FAO and the Association of Rural, Settlement and United Communities of Ukraine: "New opportunities for women – the ecological and economic potential of forest strips, self-forested and other uncultivated (neglected) natural territories";
- Participant of the project COST Action CA19123, "Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of damaged environment (PHOENIX)";
2020–2021 "Biological and ecological features of Ginkgo biloba L. cultivation and development of prophylactic medicines and functional nutrition from extracted organic leaves of the investigated species for improving the health of people living in metropolitan areas". Joint project of the Czech University of Natural Sciences, Prague and SNAU, SSU, BTNAU, KhNAU and Dniprovsky DAEU under entitled “AgriSciences Platform for Strengthening Science in Higher Education Of Ukraine ".
2021 "Cultural and tourist route of Lishchynsky's heritage". Creating a favorable environment for green tourism on the territory of the estate Lishchinsky (villages Kiyanitsa). The project is supported by the project "Strengthening intersectoral cooperation for social cohesion (SC3)", co-financed by the European Union and the British Council in Ukraine.
International experience
MATC – MASHAV Agricultural Training Center, Israel (from October 29, 2017 to November 17, 2017)
Purpose: study of Israel's approach to sustainable development in arid regions.
Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, China (from April 23, 2018 to May 20, 2018).
Purpose: Exchange of experience in training highly qualified specialists in the areas of training "Gardening and Parks" and "Forestry" with the involvement of modern technologies.
Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Germany (November 2018)
Purpose: acquaintance with processing of plant products on the example of plant pigments using spectrophotometric method.
Belotserkov National Agrarian University, Ukraine (August 2019).
Purpose: analysis of the waste management system and the search for ways to solve the problems of efficient waste management, taking into account foreign experience that exists in Ukraine was conducted.
12.09.2021 – 20.09.2021 at the Czech University of Natural Sciences in Prague (CZU). Short-term mobility in the framework of the project of the Czech Development Agency "Strengthening the scientific potential and cooperation of Ukrainian universities in the field of agricultural sciences";
10.01.2023 – 17.02.2023: Research Internship at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Bern, Switzerland). Aim: to get acquainted with the teaching methods at the University of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences HAFL; to strengthen scientific cooperation with researchers at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and to establish future cooperation relations.
Other information
Member of the editorial board of the series ‘Agronomy and Biology’ of the Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University https://www.snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/ab/about/editorialTeam;
Reviewer of expert opinions of SGS forestry;
Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science on competitive selection of research projects;
Head of the scientific laboratory ‘Forestry of the North-East of Ukraine’.