The scientific work of the Department of Ecology and Botany is primarily related to the formation and functioning of the scientific school of population ecology of plants. The initial period for its formation is the beginning of work in 1980 in the Sumy branch of Kharkiv Agricultural Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev (now Sumy National Agrarian University), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Y.A. Zlobin.

Research work in the field of population ecology of plants, conducted at the Department of Ecology and Botany, according to the main features are original and have no prototypes in national and foreign science. The concept and method of analysis of the vitality structure of phytopopulations developed by Y.A. Zlobin is generally accepted and used in the works of many Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Currently, population studies cover all major vegetation types of Sumy region and natural complexes of a significant proportion of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund of the region. The works are carried out within two national nature parks: Desnyansko-Starogutsky and Hetmansky.

Currently, the main research is related to the implementation of the following research topics “Monitoring of biodiversity, status and dynamics of plant populations in ecosystems of North-East Ukraine as components of vegetation stability” (state registration number: 0110U007592) and “Status and dynamics of phytopopulations in ecosystems of Eastern Ukraine under conditions of varying degrees and nature of anthropogenic impact “(state registration number: 0115U007150).

Research on both topics is aimed at establishing the level of biodiversity at the population level of the organization of phytocenoses in order to assess the dynamics and sustainability of the existence in the vegetation of beneficial plant species, rare plants and weeds of agroecosystems. The objects of the study are: populations of forest-forming tree species, populations of meadow forage plants, populations of weeds in agrophytocenoses, populations of rare plant species included in the Red Book of Ukraine and the list of plants to be protected in Sumy region. The main objectives of the study are to establish population mechanisms that underlie self-support, resilience and trends in the dynamics of plant populations of different life forms and different ecological and functional types. The applied aspect of the research is focused on the development of environmentally friendly technologies for the use of forest and meadow plant communities, as well as environmentally friendly technologies for weed control in crops. Topics and directions of work of the scientific school of population ecology of plants are coordinated with the Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Teachers of the department are the authors (co-authors) of more than 5 scientific monographs and 500 articles.