The scientific work of the Department of Biotechnology and Phytopharmacology is primarily related to the formation and functioning of the scientific school of Professor Anatoliy Adamovych Podgaetsky.

Name of the scientific school: “Theoretical and practical bases of intensification of creation and use of initial selection material, potato varieties on the basis of introgression of hereditary factors of the crop gene pool”. Research involving phylogenetically distant potato species from cultivars in breeding practice was started in 1972 at the Institute of Potato Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and continued at Sumy National Agrarian University.

Much work is being done to evaluate the collection material of potatoes; study of the gene pool and selection on this basis of sources of resistance against late blight, dry fusarium wilt, viruses, using relatives of cultivated varieties of potatoes. Creation of original initial pre-selection and initial selection material of potatoes.

Based on the use of the method of interspecific hybridization in pre-selection and selection of potatoes, it was possible to expand the basis of the original selection material.

A new direction of research was launched in 2006. Data obtained during previous studies suggested the possibility of demonstration among the offspring with the participation of interspecific hybrids of potatoes, their backcrossing heterosis in productivity and its components, starch content in tubers, maturity. Selected varieties of potatoes with a high manifestation of adaptability and with their high phenotypic potential provided the scientific approach in the selection of potato varieties for different growing conditions.

Researches with potatoes, conducted at the Department of Biotechnology and Phytopharmacology, are original and have no analogues in native and foreign science. The concept of theoretical bases and practical value of creation and use of initial selection material of potatoes with introgressed genes developed by A.A. Podgaetsky is used in works of many Ukrainian and foreign scientists.

Object of research: features of manifestation among the original selection material of potato productivity and its components, virus resistance, culinary qualities of tubers, reaction of interspecific hybrids, their backcrosses on use of radiation mutagenesis, cultivation in various external conditions, genetic selection value of studied samples.

Subject of research: heterosis selection on the basis of interspecific hybridization, combination of methods of interspecific hybridization and radiation mutagenesis in the process of creating a new original selection material of potatoes, the influence of abiotic factors on the manifestation of basic economic and valuable traits.

Currently, the main research is related to the implementation of research topics:

  1. “Creation of the original selection material of potatoes and its use in practical selection”. №0110V002918. Term: 2010 – 2014. State Registration Number 0110U002918 (Head: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,. Podgayetsky A.A)
  2. “Theoretical bases of intensification of creation and use of original selection material of potatoes with involvement of crop gene pool “. Term: 2014 – 2018. State Registration Number 0114U005302 (Head: Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Podgayetsky A.A.)
  3. “Theoretical and practical bases of intensification of creation and use of original selection material of potatoes with introgressive genes”. Term: 2016 – 2020. State Registration Number 0116U007237 (Head: Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Podgayetsky A.A.)
  4. “Genetic potential and selection value of local varieties of potatoes and from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone”. Term: 2016-2020. State Registration Number 0116U007236 (Head: Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Podgayetsky A.A.)
  5. “Degeneration of potatoes, factors that determine the process, and ways to prevent it.” Term: 2016-2020. State Registration Number 0116U007234 (Head: Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Podgayetsky A.A.)

Scientific directions:

  1. Potato gene pool and its components.
  2. Morphometric features of potato samples.
  3. In vitro technology.
  4. Introgression of genes of relatives of potato varieties in the iriginal selection material.
  5. Biochemical parameters of potato tubers, eating quality of potato.

Main directions of scientific work of the School and the Department:

Scientific achievements of the School for the last 5 years:

– In total, more than 400 articles, abstracts, including 40 abroad, co-authors of 2 encyclopedic publications, 15 articles in Web of Science, created a variety of potatoes Anatan, which is successfully distributed in farms, agricultural firms. 13 certificates for potato varieties and one patent were received.