Educational and methodical work of the Department of Biotechnology and Phytopharmacology aims to:

Scientific and methodological support of the educational process provides for the presence at the department:

Methodical work combines the following disciplines, which are taught in the specialties of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Environmental Use (“Agronomy”, “Plant Protection”, “Biotechnology and Bioengineering”, “Ecology”, “Tourism”, “Garden Design”, “Forestry”) , as well as at the faculty of Law and Economics. First of all, these are such disciplines as “Fundamentals of Biotechnology”, “Biotechnology in Plant Breeding”, “Meteorology”, “Meteorology and Climatology”, “Agropharmacology”, “Fundamentals of Agriculture”, “Environmental Law”, “Diagnosis and Identification of GMOs, DNA – certification “,”Methodology and organization of scientific research “,”Methods and organization of research in agronomy “, etc.

Teachers of the department are the authors of 5 textbooks, 7 textbooks and more than 100 methodological works. Widely recognized and popular among students and colleagues are the manuals of Doctor of  Agricultural Sciences, Professor A.A. Podgaetsky, V.V. Matskevich “Microclonal propagation of individual plant species (technology protocols) scientific and practical guide,” Features of microclonal propagation of plant species.