Halyna Komlykova

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism

E-mail:  h.komlykova@snau.edu.ua

Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=xdbr2dwAAAAJ



1991-1995: Kharkiv State Institute of Culture, specialty: «Library science and bibliography», OKR specialist qualification: «librarian-bibliographer»

2012: postgraduate course of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, specialty: 07.00.07 – History of science and technology

2017-2018: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko: degree of higher education master, specialty «Secondary education», specialization «History».


Academic degrees:

2012: Specialized Academic Council of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv. Defense of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. Dissertation topic: «The Origin, Formation, and Development of Agricultural Research in the Sumy Region»


Work Experience:

1990-1994: librarian of Chervonenska secondary school

1994-2012: librarian, lead librarian, head of the library department of Sumy National Agrarian University

2013-2024: director of the library of the Sumy National Agrarian University

2024: Associate Professor of the Tourism Department of the Sumy National Agrarian University


Main academic disciplines: «International tourism», «Fundamentals of tourism»


Personal Scientific Area, Experience, and Skills:

Scientific Interests: history of science and technology; history of agricultural research; history of agricultural education in Ukraine; history of tourism in Ukraine, local history

Publications: about 20 scientific articles in professional publications

Research Focus: development of tourism in Ukraine, history of tourism, local history, history of science and technology, etc.


Professional development:

2014: training courses for scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers in the field of research «Methodological principles of research on the evolution of branch scientific thought in the context of certain areas of agricultural science of Ukraine», Kyiv

2014: training courses for scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers in the field of research «Copyright protection in the formation of electronic library resources», Kyiv

2018: advanced training courses for librarians of agricultural higher education institutions I-IV and research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences, National University of Bioresources and Nature Management, NNI Postgraduate Education, Kyiv.



Mother Tongue: Ukrainian

Other Languages: English (reading and speaking)