The laboratory operates with the aim of involving research and teaching staff and students of all levels of the university in conducting basic research and implementation of applied developments in relevant areas of research and innovation. Its  priority  is to develop skills to ensure conditions for maintaining the quality of existing valuable tree species, studying the impact of environmental conditions on growing plants, protecting them from pests and diseases, and use directly in landscaping and forest plantations.

The laboratory is a structural educational and scientific subdivision of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Environmental use.

The main tasks of the laboratory:

Main directions of research activities of the laboratory are focused on the following:

  1. Increasing the productivity of ecological and resource potential of plantations;
  2. Providing reforestation and planting material with high sowing qualities and hereditary properties;
  3. Conducting an inventory of available plant diversity;
  4. Study of adaptation of introducers to natural and climatic conditions of the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine;
  5. Determining the optimal conditions and methods of growing ornamental plants;
  6. Identification of effective methods of propagation of ornamental plants by generative and vegetative methods;
  7. Determining the features of growing in opened and closed soil;
  8. Approbation of the newest technologies of harvesting and storage of seed and planting materials;
  9. Ensuring internships for students of specialties: 101 “Ecology”; 202 “Plant protection and quarantine” 205 “Forestry” and 206 “Garden design”.

The laboratory is located in the assigned auditorium № 11 p. The teacher’s workplace is equipped with a demonstration table, visualization tools, devices for the use of technical teaching aids, etc. The laboratory is equipped with visual aids, technical teaching aids, stands, sectional cabinets for storing instruments, utensils, consumables and visual aids.

The laboratory operates on the squares and research and laboratory facilities of the university, has the appropriate material support. It facilitates for scientific seminars, scientific schools, scientific conferences, symposia and congresses, develops the necessary scientific and methodological materials for the educational process in accordance with current and promising areas of educational and scientific work of the university.

The laboratory is a base for laboratory and practical classes for applicants for the following specialties: 101 “Ecology”; 202 “Plant protection and quarantine” 205 “Forestry” and 206 “Garden Design”, in the following disciplines:

  1. Forestry
  2. Reforestation and afforestation
  3. Introduction and adaptation of ornamental plants
  4. Forest reclamation
  5. Forestry
  6. Ornamental nurseries and seed production
  7. Modern seedling-growing technologies
  8. Industrial methods of cultivation
  9. Ornamental indoor plants
  10. Greenhouse management
  11. Ornamental gardening with elements of nutrition control
  12. Using of fertilizers in forestry
  13. Introduction and adaptation of ornamental plants
  14. Topiary art
  15. Decorative dendrology
  16. Forest phytopathology
  17. Forest entomology
  18. Protection of ornamental and flowering plants from pests
  19. Diseases of ornamental and flowering plants
  20. Forest soil science.

It is possible in the laboratory:

– to determine the sowing qualities of seeds of forest plant species;

– provide recommendations for the use of forest seeds and planting material in accordance with their genetic properties;

– to promote the creation of a new and increase the efficient operation of the existing permanent forest seed base;

– to take part in the work of the commissions on attestation and write-off of the objects of the permanent forest seed base;

– provide methodological and practical assistance on harvesting, processing of forest seeds and the creation of a reserve fund of forest seeds;

– to carry out control drying of cones in order to determine the percentage of quality seeds in the processing of forest seed raw materials of coniferous species;

– provide recommendations to enterprises on the preliminary inspection of plantations before mass harvesting, preliminary determination of seed quality;

– to ensure the organization and conduct of research work to improve methods of seed analysis and standardization of their sowing qualities;

– provide methodological recommendations on agricultural techniques for growing planting material and maintaining technical documentation on forest seed and seed growing;

– conduct seminars and briefings on forest seed production and nursery.

SBT carried out in the laboratory:

“Prospects for the use of valuable introducers in the creation of forest plantations in the north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine” (№, date of cover letter 301; 25.01.17; State registration number 0117U003054);

“Biological and ecological features of growing Ginkgo biloba as an organic raw material for pharmaceutical purposes by creating plantations in the north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine” (State registration number 0117U006533).

The laboratory has modern devices and equipment:

Head of the laboratory:
Yaroshchuk Roman Anatoliyovych, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Garden Design and Forestry / yaroshhuk-roman-anatolijovich /
Phone: +38 (066) 450 19 14
Address: 40000, Sumy, Gerasim Kondratiev street, 160, Faculty of Agrotechnology and Environmental Use.

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