Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Protection
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Е-mail: lady.bakumenko@email.ua
Research ID: V-4595-2018
ORSID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1625-7401
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=I7pkfqgAAAAJ
She was born on February 6, 1988 in the village of Postolne, Sumy region, Sumy district. In 2005, she entered the Sumy National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agronomy, and graduated in 2012 with a degree in agronomy (Master's degree in agronomy research). From April 2, 2012 to November 2, 2012, she worked at Agrofirma Vpered LLC as an agronomist. In the period from November 2012 to November 2015, she studied in graduate school at Sumy NAU. Since 2016, she has been working as an assistant at the Mishnev Department of Plant Protection. In 2016, she received her second higher education in the specialty 202 "Plant Protection and Quarantine". In 2017, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and Seed Production. Since 2018 she has been working at Sumy NAU at the Department of Plant Protection.
Main academic disciplines: "Physiology and Pathology of Insects, Technology of Growing and Using Organisms in Plant Biological Protection, General Virology, Protection of Medicinal Plants from Pests, Fundamentals of Biological Protection of Plants from Pests, Phytocenosis Health Management.
Area of research: "Creation of source material with the participation of wheat-rye translocations for use in the selection of high-yielding winter and spring wheat varieties adapted to the conditions of the northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine" (state registration number: 0113U004784), "Creation of winter soft wheat lines with rye 1RS genes controlling resistance to a group of plant diseases" (state registration number: 0118U006176) and "Selection of promising soft wheat lines for the development of varieties with group resistance to diseases" (state registration number: 0119U102849).
Grants, state budget and commercial contracts:
- scientific and technical development under the state order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the topic "Selection of promising durum wheat lines for the creation of varieties with group resistance to diseases" (registration number: 0119U102849);
- scientific and technical development in cooperation with Henan Institute of Science & Technology on the topic "Selection of genotypes with increased level of immune properties and soil drought resistance among the modern assortment of winter soft wheat" (State Classification Code. Rubric of scientific and technical information DK 022:2008: 20 - agrarian sciences, 201 - agronomy, 202 - plant protection and quarantine), 2018-2023.
- International grant for small research U.S.-Ukraine Foundation Biotech Initiative Small Research Grant Application.
Research and development work "Optimization of scientifically based crop rotation and study of compliance of plant varieties and their parameters declared by the manufacturer to the conditions of the farm of LLC AF "Vpered", Sumy district, Sumy region".
The reason for the work of the GDT No. 3-10
Customer: LLC "Agrofirm "Vpered" of Sumy district of Sumy region" Duration of work: beginning on November 01, 2022, ending on December 31, 2023.
Advanced training (internship):
- internships under the ERASMUS+ project, PROJECT : AG-LAB, "Capacity Building "AG-Lab" project". Kyiv, March 11-13, 2019;
- internship under the ERASMUS + project, PROJECT: AG-LAB, "Capacity Building "AG-Lab" project". University of Teramo (Universita degli Studi di Teramo). Italy. May 20-24, 2019;
- internship under the ERASMUS + project, PROJECT: AG-LAB, "Improving skills sn laboratory practice for agro-food specialists sneasterm Europe "AG-Lab". Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute (Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale). Italy. May 20, 2019; - internship (certificate No. 095) at the Polish University of Agriculture and Forestry (http://www.wszia.opole.pl/uk/). Topic: "Best Management Practices in Ecology and Plant Protection for Implementation in Ukraine", 1st of March to 31st of May, 2020 (180 hours); - Short-term program for advanced training (certificate No. NPP 20035) "Quality Assurance in Higher Education", April 27 to May 4, 2020.