Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Technologies and Soil Sciences
E-mail: davidenko1977g@gmail.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3664-7650
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=mWEpEd4AAAAJ&hl=ru
Web of Science Researcher ID D-3024-2019
Date of birth: 25.04. 1977
1994-1999 - studying at Sumy State Agrarian University at the Faculty of Agronomy. He received a diploma of agronomist with a specialty "Agronomy".
01.04.1999 - 31.08.1999 - worked as an agronomist for plant protection at SZAT "Mirovaya Revolutsia" of Putivl District, Sumy Oblast.
2001-2006 - studied at the postgraduate course of Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty 06.01.01 - General Аgriculture.
2006 - defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, specialty 06.01.01 - General Аgriculture.
2007-2021 - worked as Associate Professor of the Department of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agrochemistry.
Since 2021 - worked as Associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Technologies and Soil Sciences.
The main subjects are: "Geology and geomorphology", "Soil Science with Fundamentals of Geology", "Soil Science with Fundamentals of Agrochemistry", "Agrochemistry Service", "Soil protection from erosion and pollution with agrochemicals", "Mini till, No till technologies in agriculture", "Marketing in Agrochemistry Service "
Field of research:
Monitoring of soils quality and soil protection, energy-saving technologies of soil treatment, fertilizing and chemical plant, soil reclamation, crop production, fertilizer and growth regulators application, tillage
Advanced training (internship):
10.06.1997-30.09.1997 – Germany, Triesdorf, Weinstefan High School.
14-15.11.2015. XV Konferenz «Ökologie in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion mit besonderem Schwerpunkt in der Tierzucht und Pflanzenschutz» (DEULA-Nienburg,), Nienburg, Germany.
26.09.-01.10. 2016. Internationalе Konferenz „Innovative Technologien in der Landwirtschaft in Deutschland“ (Biogas, Windanlagen, Solaranlagen) (DEULA-Nienburg,), Nienburg, Germany.
15-16 November 2016. Internationalе Konferenz „Biogas und Biomethan – Herstellung und Nutzung“ (Hanover,)., Hanover, Germany.
19-23.12. 2016. Internationalе Konferenz „Optimierung der Bearbeitungsgeräte in ressourcensparende Anbautechnologien“ (DEULA-Nienburg,), Nienburg, Germany.
12-18 November 2017. 74rd International Conference – Landtechnik 2017 «Innovations in agricultural engineering for efficient farming» (Hanover,), Hanover, Germany.
13-16 November 2018. Internationalе Konferenz „Biogas und Biomethan – Herstellung und Nutzung“ (Hanover,), Hanover, Germany.
10-16 November 2019. International Conference „Ag Machinery International 2019“, Hanover, Germany.