The methodical work of the Department of Plant Protection is connected with providing of disciplines taught in the specialties of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Environmental Use («Plant protection and quarantine», «Agronomy», «Garden Design», «Forestry», «Ecology», «Tourism»), and other faculties.

First of all, these are such disciplines as «Phytopathology», «Entomology», «General virology», «Epiphytothiology», «Technology of cultivation and use of organisms in biological plant protection», «Methodology and organization of scientific research in protection of plants», «Management of the number of phytophagous insects», «Management of the number of weeds in agrophytocenoses», «Monitoring of pests of agricultural crops», «Complex protection systems of agricultural crops against diseases», «Test methods for plant protection» and others according to educational programs of specialty 202 2Plant protection and quarantine».

Manuals, lecture courses, methodical recommendations for conducting laboratory and practical classes and organization of individual work are prepared at the Department. At present, the teachers of the department are the authors of 2 manuals, 14 textbooks and more than 200 methodological works. Wide recognition and popularity among students and colleagues have the monographs of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.A.Vlasenko «Breeding, seed production and technologies for growing cereals in Forest-steppe of Ukraine / Ed. V.T. Prickly, V.A. Vlasenko, G.Y. Badger. K .: Agrarian Science, 2007. 800p.», «Vlasenko V.A., Korchmarsky V.S., Prickly V.T., Kolomiets L.A, Khomenko S.O., Solona V.I. Selection evolution of Myronivska wheat. Myronivka, 2012. 330p.», Bakumenko O.M., Osmachko O.M., Vlasenko V.A. Combination ability varieties of winter wheat Kryzhynka and Smuglyanka: Monograph. Sumy, «Mriya». 2019. 194 p. Bakumenko O.M., Osmachko O.M., Vlasenko V.A. Combinative ability of winter wheat cultivars Kryzhynka and Smuhlianka: Monograph. Sumy, Mriya. 2019. 194 p.».