Nataliya Stoyanets
Professor of Garden design and forestry department.
Professor of Management department named after professor L.I. Mykhailova, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Research ID: U-2144-2018
SCOPUS ID: 57203587342
E-mail Natalystoyanez@gmail.com
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7526-6570
Was born on June 28, 1981 in Sumy, Ukraine.
1998-2003 – studies at the Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty Organizational Management".
2003-2006 – studying at the graduate school of the Sumy National Agrarian University.
13.05.2009 – defended the PhD thesis. Topic: "Socio-economic development of rural areas" specialty - 08.00.05 - "development of productive forces and regional economy".
30.11. 2012, received the rank of Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Development and European Integration Management.
4.07.2019 – defended doctoral thesis. Topic: "Management of sustainable development of the agrarian sector of the economy" specialty 08.00.03 - "economy and management of the national economy".
From 02.01.2020 - to the present time - professor of the Department of Management named after Professor L.I. Mykhailo of the Sumy National Agrarian University (under contract).
15.04.2021 - received the rank professor of Management Department.
In 2020 defended a master's degree specialty « Horticulture».
From 1.09. 2021 - professor of the Garden design and forestry department (part-time)
Main academic disciplines
«Methods of empirical social research», «Intellectual property», «Greenhouse economy» - in English
The direction of scientific research: sustainable development of the agrarian sector of the economy, socio-economic development of rural areas, personnel management.
Grant, state budget and state contract topics:
- In 2012-2014, a scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
- Development of national management under conditions of market transformations and globalization of the economy" (No. 0108U000341, 2008-2012)
- «Development of management of organizations in the conditions of world economic integration and globalization challenges» (No. 0114U002209, 2014-2018),
- «Organizational and economic aspects of the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas». (state registration number 0115U000775)
- «Institutional support for the sustainable development of rural areas under the conditions of administrative and territorial reform» (state registration number 0117U004254) (2018-2020)
Grant activity:
Grant manager – «Sustainable development policy: EU Countries experience» within the framework of a joint project between the Czech Development Agency and the Czech University of Natural Sciences, 2020-2021.
Co-executor – «EU best practice in life cycle assessment, social and environmental accounting and reporting on sustainable development»/EULASTING No. 101047667- Erasmus- JMO –Module (1.02.2022- 31.01.2025)
Advanced training:
22.07.- 31.07.2019 scientific-pedagogical internship in Riga, Latvia on the topic: "Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its implementation in the training of specialists in economics and management" in specialty 073. "Management"
March 05 – 12, 2021, short-term training program for scientific and pedagogical workers in the specialty 281 "Public management and administration", (Registration No. НА 23696843/00096927), Institute for Training of Managers of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
11.11.2022 certificate No. cc 00493706/017688-22 on advanced training "development of innovative professional competences in pedagogical activity" at the National University of Bioresources and Subsoil Use of Ukraine in the discipline "organization and planning of forestry production"
January 13 - March 11, 2023 in the amount of 180 hours or 6 ECTS credits (including 15 hours of inclusive education / 0.5 ECTS credits) and confirms the receipt of the qualifications: "International Head of Category B in the field of Education and Science, according to the UNESCO classification", and "International Teacher / Lecturer"(№10817 from 11.03.2023)
February 8 - May 12, 2023 (180 hours) International scientific and pedagogical internship "Innovations in education. Innovative technologies of teaching professional disciplines" Katowice, Poland.
Additional Information:
November 2018 – member of the All-Ukrainian Congress of Agrarian Economists. (Certificate No. 0059 dated November 14, 2018);
2020 – certified trainer-consultant for business preparation for state inspections in the field of agricultural and food safety (Alimentarius system management)