Candidate of biological sciences (PhD)
Associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Botany
E-mail: inna.zubtsova@snau.edu.ua
Research ID: U-9813-2018
ORSID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6339-931X
Goggle Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=ngSZQ0IAAAAJ
Education and training:
01/09/2012 – 30/06/2013 Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University. Master Dipl. Ing. Biology teacher. Natural History Teacher.
01/09/2019 – 29/12/2020 Sumy National Agrarian University Level in national or international classification Master Dipl. Ing. Master of Ecology
01/11/2014 – 01/11/2017 Sumy National Agrarian University. Рostgraduate student.
01/03/2021 – defended the dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in the specialty 03.00.05 – «Botany» M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2020. on the topic: «Population analysis of medicinal plants in the floodplains of the rivers of the Krolevets-Glukhiv Geobotanical Region» Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Skliar Viktoriia Hryhorivna.
The basic subjects/courses: Еcology, Landscape ecology, Ecological Physiology of Plants, Modelling and prediction of the environment, Botany, Biology.
Field of research: population analysis of medicinal plants of floodplain meadows, study and protection of biodiversity, assessment of the state and dynamics of phytopopulations, рopulation monitoring of the state of meadow ecosystems.
State budget and commercial topics:
- Monitoring of biodiversity, condition and dynamics of plant populations in ecosystems of the North-East of Ukraine as components of vegetation stability (№ 0110U007592)
- Status and dynamics of phytopopulations in ecosystems of the North-East of Ukraine under conditions of different degree and nature of anthropogenic impact» (№ 0115U007150).
- Development of a project for the organisation of the territory of Seim Regional Landscape Park(№ 0117U006760).
- Preparation and holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Main Ways of Preserving Meadow-Steppe Ecosystems of Ukraine» dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Mykhailivska Tsilyna.
Advanced training (internship):
- Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, herbaric science «All-Ukrainian courses of herbarium menegment» (Lviv, 02-09 May 2019).
- Scientific and pedagogic internship «Pedagogical excellence of teachers in Biology, Ecology, Geography, Geology, Chemistry and Physics». Lublin, Republic of Poland (August 24-October 2, 2020), 180 hours.
- Scientific and pedagogic internship «Socio-environmental importance of urban greenery from the point of view of the water cycle modified by global climate change – cooperation in teaching and research between MENDELU and SNAU» №7/2024/U5 (August 26 - September 8, 2024), 180 hours.
Projects Experience:
- Sustainable development through youth's eyes 13/06/2019 – 23/06/2019. ), project executor.
- European project Erasmus+ КА2 “Integration and adaptation of foreign students” (INTERADIS) 619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP CBHE (2020-2023), project executor.
- MINI GRANTS at SSU, DSAEU, BTNAU, SNAU and KNAU – 2020. Grants for young researchers and students in the framework of the Czech Republic Development Cooperation project: «Interuniversity cooperation as a tool for enhancement of quality of selected universities in Ukraine» 2019-2021
- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Scientific Human Resources Development (BIDEB). 2221-The Programmer of the Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave. 11.04.2022-15.08 2022
- Jean Monnet Chair EU Climate Leadership. 620031-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR2020-2023 (2020-2023)
- Erasmus+ KA 171 Staff Training Mobility. TR AFYON01. 8 - 12 May 2023
Teaching and research experience is 8 years and more than 75 publications.
Collective monograph:
Zubtsova I. Sklyar V. Morphological features of plants and size structure of Centaurium erythrea L. coenopopulations on floodplain meadows of Krolevets-Glukhivsky geobotanical area. Scientific developments of Ukraine and EU in the area of Natural Sciences. Collective monograph. Part 1. Wloclawek, Poland, 2020. P. 254-272.
- Zubtsova I., Penkovska L., Skliar V., Skliar Yu. Dimensional features population of some species medicinal plants in conditions of northern Eastern Ukraine. AgroLife Journal. 2019. №8 (2), P. 191-201.
- Skliar Iu., Skliar V., Klymenko A., Sherstiuk M., Zubtsova I. Growth signs of Nymphaea candida in various ecological and cenotic conditions of Desna Basin (Ukraine). AgroLife Scientific Journal. 2020. № 9 (1), P. 316-323
- Skliar, V., Kyrylchuk, K., Tykhonova, O., Bondarieva, L., Zhatova, H., Klymenko, A., Bashtovyi, M. and Zubtsova, I. Ontogenetic structure of populations of forest-forming species of the Left-Bank Polissia of Ukraine. Baltic Forestry. 2020. № 26 (1): 441, P. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.46490/BF441
- Zlobin, I.Kovalenko, H. Klymenko, K.Kyrylchuk, L.Bondarieva, O.Tykhonova, I. Zubtsova (2021). Vitality Analysis Algorithm in the Study of Plant Individuals and Populations. The Open Agriculture Journal, Volume 15, 119-129.
- M. Kovalenko, G.O. Klymenko, S.D. Melnychuk, Iu.L. Skliar, O.S. Melnyk, K.S. Kyrylchuk, L.M. Bondarieva, I.V. Zubtsova, R.A. Yaroshchuk, S.V. Zherdetska. Potential adaptation of Ginkgo biloba – comparative analysis of plants from China and Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021, 11(1) , 329-337
Main Articles:
- Zubtsova I., Sklyar V. Dimensional characteristics of plants and populations of Leonurus villosus Desf. ex Spreng on floodplain meadows of Krolevets-Glukhiv geobotanical district. Bulletin of Sumy NAU. Series "Agronomy and Biology". 2019. № 3 (37). C.47-56.
- Zubtsova I. Ontogenetic and vitality structure of Arctium lappa L. on floodplain meadows of KrolevetsGlukhiv geobotanical district. PLANTA +. Achievements and prospects. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the memory of the Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor N. P. Maksyutina (to the 95th anniversary of her birth) (Kyiv, February 20-21, 2020). Kyiv, 2020. S. 300-302.
- Zubtsova I. Population structure of some species of medicinal plants on floodplain meadows of Krolevets-Glukhiv geobotanical district. Theoretical and applied aspects of research in biology, geography and chemistry. Proceedings of the III All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Students and young scientists. (Sumy, April 30, 2020). Sumy: FOP Tsyoma SP, 2020. Pp. 20-22.
- Zubtsova I.V. Vitality structure of coenopopulations of Leonurus villosus Desf. ex Spreng on the territory of RLP "Sejm". The present of biological science. Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference (Sumy, November 15-16 2019). Sumy: FOP Tsyoma SP, 2019. S. 91-94.
- Zubtsova I.V. Morphometric parameters of Saponaria officinalis L. populations in the conditions of the regional landscape park "Seimsky" (Sumy region, Ukraine). Ecological sciences. 2023, № 1(46). С. 119-124.https://doi.org/10.32846/2306-9716/2023.eco.1-46.20
- Zubtsova I.V. Vitality structure of Centaurium erythraea Rafn. populations in the conditions of the regional landscape park "Seimsky". Scientific Notes of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: Biology. 2022. Т. 82, № 4. С. 6-13. doi: 10.25128/2078-2357.22.4.1
- Zubtsova I.V. Miskova O.V., Klymenko G.O. Structural analysis of the meadow flora of the regional landscape park "Seimsky" Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Series Agronomy and Biology. 2022, 4 (50). С. 29-38. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2022.4
Other information:
- Member of the Sumy branch of the Ukrainian Botanical Association
- Member of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine
- Member of the interdepartmental regional commission for maintaining the list of species of plants, animals and mushrooms subject to protection in the territory of the Sumy region (2019 - present time).