PhD (Biology science), Associate Professor
e-mail: annaklimenko2014@gmail.com
Research ID: U-2061-2018
ORSID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1859-4997
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=Pj3BNYQAAAAJ&hl=ru
General information
She was born on October 25, 1984, in Seredyna-Buda, Sumy Oblast, Ukraine.
From 2002 to 2007, studied at the Agronomy Faculty (now the Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Nature Using) of Sumy National Agrarian University, specializing in "Agronomy," and graduated with honors.
Between 2008 and 2012, I pursued my studies in the doctoral program at Sumy National Agrarian University, specializing in "Botany."
Starting from 2011, I held various positions including assistant, senior lecturer, and associate professor at the Department of Botany and Plant Physiology (now the Department of Ecology and Botany).
In 2012, I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation in the field of 03.00.06 – Botany, with a topic focusing on "Structure and Dynamics of Rare Plant Populations in the National Natural Park 'Desniansko-Starohutsky' and Adjacent Areas."
Disciplines she teaches: "Ecology," "Nature Conservation" (in English), "Information Technologies in Ecology," "Ecology of Urban Systems," "Biometrics," and more.
Her sphere of scientific interests includes: Comprehensive population studies of rare plant species, assessment of the status and structure of populations of rare plant species, and forecasting their development; specifics of non-invasive research methods.
Diplomas and certificates of participation in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and scientific-practical conferences, competitions of scientific works.
Grants awarded:
SBT "Biological and Ecological Features of Ginkgo biloba L. Cultivation as Organic Raw Material for Pharmaceutical Purposes through Plantation Establishment in the Conditions of the North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine" (2017-2020, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
SCT "Creation of the Local Landscape Reserve 'Seimkiy.'"
SCT "Development of Projects for Territories and Objects of Nature Reserve Fund of Local Importance" (Registration Number 0117 U 006759).
Advanced training (internship): Every five years, internships are conducted at leading scientific, educational, and nature conservation institutions in Ukraine, including the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, Desniansko-Starogutskyi National Nature Park, Mykhailivska Tselina Nature Reserve, and others.
Member of the Ukrainian Botanical Society
Member of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine