Candidate of biological sciences (PhD)
Associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Botany
e-mail: milabond77@gmail.com
Research ID: T-9395-2018
ORCID: 0000-0003-4126-7601
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=QS_dOZQAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus ID: 57221390304
Teaching and research experience is 27 years and more than 70 publications.
2005 – defended the dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in the specialty 03.00.06 – “Botany” on the topic: «The population of coenogenerate species of grasses on flood-lands meadows of upper and middle flows of the Sula river (Sumy region)». Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine – Yulian Andriiovych Zlobin.
The basic subjects/courses: Botany, Biology, Ecology, Geobotany, Medicinal Plants/Herbs, Environmental safety issues and modern concepts of optimising nature management more details.
The management of students' research work: Preparation of students for the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Students Contest and the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers. Annual participation in the jury of the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Students Contests in academic courses (on the basis of the following universities: 2016, 2017, 2019. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine; 2014, 2015 рр. - Odessa State Environmental University; 2013р. – Poltava State Agrarian University; 2008 - 2012 рр. – Mykolaiv National Agrarian University) more details.
Field of research: Population monitoring of the state of meadow ecosystems under conditions of anthropogenic usage. Determination of the state, development of recommendations for rational, environmentally sound meadow management. Comprehensive population analysis of medicinal plants and cenosis-forming meadow grasses. Macroscopic and microscopic identification of medicinal plant raw material. more details, certificates.
State budget and commercial topics:
- Monitoring of biodiversity, condition and dynamics of plant populations in ecosystems of the North-East of Ukraine as components of vegetation stability (№ 0110U007592)
- Status and dynamics of phytopopulations in ecosystems of the North-East of Ukraine under conditions of different degree and nature of anthropogenic impact» (№ 0115U007150).
- Development of a project for the organisation of the territory of Seim Regional Landscape Park(№ 0117U006760).
- Preparation and holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Main Ways of Preserving Meadow-Steppe Ecosystems of Ukraine" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Mykhailivska Tsilyna.
Advanced training (internship):
- National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukaraine, «Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity» (8-12 June 2015).
- Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, herbaric science «All-Ukrainian courses of herbarium menegment» (Lviv, 02-09 May 2019).
- The international skills development (the webinar) on the theme: «Distance learning tools on the example of zoom and Moodle platforms». Organizer - Lublin Science and Technology Park, Lublin, Poland. ES № 4736/2021 from 02.2021.
- The international skills development (the webinar) on the theme: «Online studying as latest form of modern education on the example of google meet and Google classroom platforms». Organizer - Lublin Science and Technology Park, Lublin, Poland. ES № 5434/2021 from03.2021 more details.
Copyright registration:
- Certificate of copyright registration for a scientific work: №120612 (July 19, 2023).
- Certificate of copyright's registration for a scientific work: No. 119927 (21 June 21, 2023) more details.
Other information: consultant botanist at the production and testing laboratory "Sumyphytopharmacia" Ltd.
Analysis of scientific and professional activity: self-analysis.